The manufacturing sector of India has the potential to reach US$ 1 trillion by 2025 and India is expected to rank amongst the top three growth economies and manufacturing destination of the world by the year 2020.
Many companies in the manufacturing sector are aspiring to be a ‘green business’ wherein they shall function in a capacity where no negative impact is made on the local or global environment, the community, or the economy. A green business will also engage in forward-thinking policies for environmental concerns and policies affecting human rights.
Such companies choose to develop sustainable business practices based simply on the intuitive understanding that operating a greener business is ‘the right thing to do’. Most understand that there are benefits to their efforts, but are in need of professionals to plan and envision such initiatives to achieve the real and measurable impacts that their greening activities can actually have on their operations and the marketing of their businesses.
In this specialization the students will become familiar with terms like “circular economy”, “sustainable society” and “Zero-Emission-regions” as they study international best practices and case studies in various fields of Material Flow Management. The practical approach of the study programs challenge the students with developing projects and eco-entrepreneurial business ideas and collect relevant, practical experience through close cooperation with small and medium sized enterprises.
Our Collaborator
This specialization is being offered in collaboration with International Material Flow Management (IMAT), University of Applied Sciences, Trier Germany, which offers multidisciplinary study courses aiming at educating young professionals in “green business opportunities” through system efficiency strategies.
Career Opportunities
Primary opportunities are available in the manufacturing sector which is in the process of switching to Green Operations. They can also be employed in emerging careers like Green marketing managers, Compliance managers, Recycling coordinators, Industrial production managers, Farm managers