Hostel and Dining Hostels


About HITS Hostel

About HITS Hostel
Hostel Student’s Council
Alumni Community
Join a Club or Society
Events on Hostels
Volunteer with us – Social activities
Try out some Sport
Engage and learn from a Global Resident Population
Clean and Health Environment
Enhance peer learning approach for higher learning
Cost – Saving Factors
Pollution Free – Campus
Hostel day Celebrations
Fresher's Day

Explore our Hostel

Jupiter Hostel-Boys

Jupiter Hostel-Boys

Galaxy Hostel-Girls

Galaxy Hostel-Girls

Bethany Hostel

Bethany Hostel

Kasturba Hostel

Kasturba Hostel

Jupiter Hostel

Jupiter Boys Hostel is the latest addition with sophisticated facilities and serene ambience. It provides state of the art features and modern amenities which cater to the needs of students. The accommodation, dining, indoor / outdoor games and round the clock security facilitates a safe and comfortable stay on campus, and is conducive for students to effectively pursue their academic assignments as well as recreational hobbies in multiple spheres.

Girls Hostel

  • Kasturba Hostel on triple sharing basis with option for bath attached AC rooms/triple rooms.
  • Susan Hostel for AC rooms with bath attached on double sharing basis/triple/quadruple in a room with option for bath attached.
  • Bethany Hall AC/Non-AC bath attached room category. Details of the hostel fee and vacancy are available at the Hostel Office.

Jupiter Hostel-Boys and Galaxy Hostel-Girls

Jupiter Boys Hostel is the latest addition with sophisticated facilities and serene ambience. It provides state of the art features and modern amenities which cater to the needs of students. The accommodation, dining, indoor / outdoor games and round the clock security facilitates a safe and comfortable stay on campus.


Benefits of living in the hostel

The hostels at HITS are more than just four walls and a roof; they are homes away from home. They have always been created to provide a pleasant, safe, inclusive, and secure living environment while also allowing students to form lifelong friendships and facilitate the transition from high school to college. Residential staff are always accessible to assist students from all backgrounds in order to foster a sense of community. Students who live on campus have the opportunity to develop good relationships with faculty and staff. Participate in campus leadership, clubs, and events. Strong communication and interpersonal skills, Make friends with a wide range of people.

Student community

HITS attract a large number of students because of its great learning environment, which caters to their academic goals, intellectual interests, and desire to immerse themselves in cultural variety. Participating in the campus community encourages students to develop strong skills and expertise and have a realistic sense of commitment in order to meet the needs of today's society. Make the most of shared spaces to study, eat, watch TV and play sport together.

Safety and Security

We genuinely care about every student on our campus, and we give the best possible care, concern, safety, and security to all of our hostelers. Our residential wardens, manager, supervisors, maintenance personnel, and security guards are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist our students with anything they need. We also have a maintenance team that responds rapidly to problems that arise for our students. 24-hour there is always someone around to help. Maintenance team to fix problems quickly.

Accommodation Guarantee

We guarantee accommodation on “First come First basis".

Improves Friendship

If you have the best days in hostel life, you will form real bonds with your fellow batchmates, seniors, and juniors over the course of your college career. You'd be able to connect with a wide range of personalities. Improve your interpersonal and communication abilities. Make connections with professors and staff members as well.


Staying and studying in a hostel might be a good option for any student who wants to take their personal development to the next level. This would dramatically bring out the best in them, allowing them to fear nothing, and set the tone for others.

Zero Pollution Campus

The University has identified priority areas for making the campuses eco-friendly.All the compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) have been changed to energy efficient Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). Rainwater harvesting systems are in operation in most of the buildings of the University.

The campuses are covered with a mix of old and young trees. Proper waste disposal measures are taken particularly in the hostels. Dustbins are placed at appropriate places.

 Reduce Travel Time

Staying in the hostel will really reduce travel time compare with day scholar which the hosteller can focus on exams. The hostel not only cares for the health of the students but also their studies.

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General Hostel Rules And Regulations
Rules For Campus Residents
Hostel Leave Rules
Hostel Mess Rules
Mess Timings
Additional Rules for Girls
A Neat Room – A Healthy Environment
Consumption Of Water And Electricity
Facilities for Hostel Residents

Essential information

Deadlines and apply for accommodation
Materialistic Information
Support of different accommodation needs
Staying safe in Hostel

Hostel Facilities

Gym & Clinic Photo Gallery

Gym & Clinic Photo Gallery

Food Gallery

Food Gallery


How to Apply

New Students

  • +91 86680 93938

Current Students

  • +91 86680 93938 | 044 - 2747 4262 Extn - 404

International Students

  • +91 87544 96592

Faculty – Indian / International

  • 044 - 2747 4262 (Extn - 110)

Guests / Parents

  • 044 - 2747 4262 (Extn - 124)
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Health Issues of Residential Students of HITS



When should I begin to apply for room?
What is the cost of rent in hostel accommodation
Can I choose my room? Can I be allocated the same accommodation as my friend?
What furnishings/facilities are supplied in the bedrooms?
What do I need to bring with me?
Can I use my deposit towards my final instalment?
Can the fee deadline be extended?

Get in Touch




About HITS Hostel

About HITS Hostel
Hostel Student’s Council
Alumni Community
Join a Club or Society
Events on Hostels
Volunteer with us – Social activities
Try out some Sport
Engage and learn from a Global Resident Population
Clean and Health Environment
Enhance peer learning approach for higher learning
Cost – Saving Factors
Pollution Free – Campus
Hostel day Celebrations
Fresher's Day

Hello, I am Leo Bot, your Admission Assistant.