The 2 nd AUAP-IUAP International Conference and 20 th Anniversary Celebrations of SIAS University was organized by SIAS University between 23 and 25 May 2019 at SIAS University, Zhengzhou, China. “Future Higher Education Models and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges” marked the theme of the conference. Delegation comprising of Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese, Pro Chancellor, HITS and Mr. Milton Huggins Gerard, Deputy Director, Corporate Affairs & Training attended the AUAP-IUAP International Conference at SIAS University. The visit served a platform for the HITS delegation to meet other members of AUAP-IUAP for further collaborations. MoUs with Korea University of Media Arts, Sejong, South Korea; San Diego State University, USA; Gongqing College of Nanchang University, China; University of Cambodia, Cambodia; and Vistula University, Warsaw, Poland were signed. An intention letter was also signed at SIAS University for being one of the founder members of the “Science & Technology Incubation and Transfer Center.” It is affirmatively believed that the Centre will promote innovation in science and technology for the betterment of society and nations.