Ugadi - the New Year Day for the people of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Karnataka states was celebrated with devotion on 2 April 2022. The Office of Student Affairs brought together faculty and students to celebrate the occasion filled with music and dance. Traditionally decorated arches welcomed the guests. Vice Chancellor, Dr. S. N. Sridhara was greeted by students in their traditional style. In his message, Dr. S. N. Sridhara said, "Ugadi is an occasion where people begin their new year with hope and confidence. Their lives are expected to change for the better from this day”. He added that for faculty and students, this is also a time to understand the cultures of the Ugadi celebrating states. Head-Student Affairs in his message said, "Ugadi is not just a celebration of the beginning of a new year; but energises young and old for better days ahead". Luhitha, Coordinator of Ugadi'22 proposed the vote of thanks. With a scrumptious Ugadi meal served, the celebration brought in exchange of greetings, comradeship, and joy.