Team "Kratos" comprising 14 members from the School of Aeronautical Sciences participated in the SAE Aero Design East 2020 under Advanced Class category which was organised at Florida Air Museum at Lakeland, Florida, USA between 6 and 8 March 2020.
The competition began with segmented aircraft components being carried to the assembly area of the Florida Air Museum for technical inspection and presentation wherein basic requirements to participate in the flight rounds like the location of red arming plug, power limiter and the location of the actual CG from the predicted value in the design report were verified. Some modifications were made following the suggestions of SAE technical inspection members. Ms. Sheeba and Mr. Shyam Presented the design of our aircraft to the panel members. During the technical inspection, the servo system of the Colonist Delivery Aircraft (CDA) malfunctioned due to which CDA was not allowed to be carried for the flight rounds; and also, the receiver of the Data Acquisition System (DAS) got fired owing which payload drop could not be stored. The team however secured 11th position at the International and 3rd in Asia Pacific level for the oral technical presentation. The team was fortunate to visit places like Lake Howard, Circle B Reserve, and Kennedy Space Centre.
Mr. Desai Manish (16103069) - Team Captain
Mr. Chinta Shyam Girish (16103056) - Vice captain
Mr. Bharath Kumar (16101105) - CDA Team
Mr. Pokala Mukesh (16103064) - CDA Team
Mr. Veera Reddy (16103039) - Assembly Team
Mr. B.V. Abishek (16103034) - Assembly Team
Ms. E. Sheeba Rathina Selvi (16103021) - Design Report Team
Mr. Chandramohan reddy (17103086) - Design Report Team
Mr. Mouli Bhaskar (17101159) - Design Report Team
Ms. Soumitra dodkui (18103086) - Webpage Development Team
Mr. Chirag Jaju (17103086) - Webpage Development Team
Mr. Pratik Pimpare (18103073) - Webpage Development Team
Mr. Tupten Tsundu (16101143) - Fabrication Team
Mr. Tensin Choadak (16101157) - Fabrication Team
Mr. G. Dinesh Kumar, Asst. Prof. School of Aeronautical Sciences.