The department of Chemistry conducted Model Making competition on the theme “Advancements in Science and Technology for Cleaner Environment” exclusively for the I year B. Tech. students on 16 September 2019.The winners of the competition were awarded the prizes during the Science Meet organized on 19 September 2019.While Mr. Danush Datthathireyan &Mr. A. Bharath Kumar(B. Tech. Aerospace Engg.) won I prize, Mr. Shushrit Deepak Jadhav and Mr. Sandeep Dutta (B. Tech. Aerospace Engg.) bagged the II prize. Dr. T. Kumar, Senior Scientist, Section Head, IGCAR, Kalpakkampresided over the Science Meetas chief guest and delivered a lecture on the scope and scale of energy challenges anddiscussed the potential role of nuclear power in sustainable development.