HITS as part of its Global outreach signs Memorandum of Understanding with universities world over for student exchange, faculty exchange, joint research and supervision,guest lectures and workshops, internships, summer programmes, study abroad, twinning programs and more to promote a quality global learning experience for HITS students. Some of the recent MoUs signed recently are given here as gist.
- Dr.Anand Jacob Verghese,Pro Chancellor, HITS signed an MoU with Flightpath International,Canada at Hotel Pierre,New York on 14th Nov 2018.He has also signed another MoUwith Trier University of Applied Sciences,Germany in the same month.
- Dr. Ashok G. Verghese, Director, HITS signed an MoU with Universidade Federal do rio Grande do norte (UFRN), Brazil on 20 November 2018.
- Dr.K.P.Isaac,Vice Chancellor,HITS had signed 6 MoUs with University of Mindanao, Philippines; American International University, Bangladesh; Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University, Philippines; University of Tehran, Iran; University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh; Siam University, Thailand during 1stAUAP & IFCU Joint International Conference (JIC) between 18-21 November 2018 at Pattaya,Thailand.
- A 8-member senior delegation from Universite Paris-Est Creteil (UPEC), France visited HITS and signed an MoU on 12 December 2018.