A Patent on "A Novel Counting Device for Domestic Pressure Cookers, Suitable for Hearing Impaired (CoDePeC)" was attained by Dr. Muthukumaran G., Professor, EEE; and Dr. SudalaiMuthu T., Associate Professor, CSE. A domestic pressure cooker is one of the essential cooking utensils in Indian kitchens. Its whistling indicates the status of the cooking food, and it requires constant observation. Once the whistling sound is missed to hear, it would lead to either over or undercooking with quality degradation. At the same time, if the pressure builds up beyond the limit, accidents also may happen. Unfortunately, people with hearing impairment could not hear the sound of cooker whistle.
"A Novel Counting Device for Domestic Pressure Cookers, Suitable for Hearing Impaired" can be used by hearing impaired in household cooking. The device involves a counting mechanism for counting the number of times the cooker whistled (weight lifted) and display the status of cooking food. During the cooking process, the whistling unit generates whistle sound and lifts the cooker weight. The lifted cooker weight is sensed by the proximity sensor, and triggers the control unit. When the control unit is triggered, the count is increased by one, and display unit displays the count.