Eclipses have always been a fascinating phenomenon that kindle the inner astronomers. The Nebula Astro Club of School of Aeronautical Sciences organized a “Solar Eclipse” photography contest on 25 October 2022 from 5pm to 6pm for the students of HITS. Capturing the eclipses with cameras is further an interesting activity and around 25 students from various departments participated in the contest and photographed the solar eclipse. Further the club had also arranged for a solar eclipse viewing through the Celestron 8SE telescope. Many students and faculty enjoyed seeing the eclipse. Dr. S.N.Sridhara, Vice Chancellor, HITS was the special guest for the event. He encouraged and motivated the students to participate in the event Mr. J. Joshua, Faculty Coordinator of Nebula Astro Club and Dr. Rohith, Faculty in-charge along with the student committee members of the club contributed to the success of the event.