BW Education Engineering Excellence Conclave was held on 3 rd July 2019. This conclave is a platform that endeavors to engage Policy makers, University heads, Institution heads and Decision Makers, to link our students, faculty and institutions to solutions that are best suited for them.
Our Vice Chancellor, Dr. K.P. Isaac participated in the event as a speaker in the session “Industry Academic Collaboration towards Engineering Education Excellence”. He spoke about the importance of industry – academic partnerships in improving the quality of engineering education in the country. He emphasized the following points:-
- We are not in a position to provide industrial visits and industrial training for all our students of the engineering courses in the industries because of limited number of industries, and the readiness of the industries to provide such trainings. The solution to that is to develop an online course similar to MOOC, and it can be titled as IMOOC which will give the details of the process happening in the industries. The course material can be developed with an active involvement of academic institutions and the industry so that the students will get details of the process.
- There is a mushroom growth of organisations offering various industry specific courses in academic institutions, and they are occupying the space in the academic institutions pushing away the academicians. Even multinationals are creating the education verticals. So this is the right moment to discuss the extent of involvement of industry and organisations in occupying the academic space.
- He also emphasized that the faculty should first get trained in the industry so that the student community will get benefited. In this connection, he has detailed the scheme implemented at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Viz. One Faculty One Industry Scheme.