The Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Office of the Controller of Examinations is responsible for preparation, scheduling, and conduct of Continuous Internal Assessments & End Semester Examinations for all the programs offered by the institute. It also facilitates central valuation of answer scripts and timely publication of Results.
The other responsibilities are
• Issuing Semester Grade Sheets, Consolidated Statement of Grades and Provisional Certificates as and when candidates become eligible to receive the same.
• Issue of Transcripts.
• Preparation of Degree Certificates
• Preparation of Rank List / Gold Medallist Lists.
• Providing Genuineness / Verification services to various stakeholders such as Government authorities, Corporate bodies, and Educational institutions.
• Issue of Duplicate Certificates.
• Facilitating revaluation and answer script seeing processes.
• Conduct of question paper and answer scripts audit by both the internal and external course experts etc.
Controller of Examinations
Phone: 044-2747 4262/4395 –(Ext.) 113, 133,178,171
Fax: 044-2747 4208
Email: examcell@hindustanuniv.ac.in