The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science has a long-standing tradition of excellence. Our BTech ECE program provides a sound foundation for students wishing to pursue a career in Electrical Engineering, Communication, Control Systems, Robotics, Sensor Systems, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and VLSI systems through a diverse range of theoretical skills and practical experience, which are presented in the context of real-time applications.
Electronic systems have made deep inroads into every aspect of our daily lives. One needs only to look around homes, offices and industrial units to see that they feature almost everywhere. Indeed, it is practically impossible to name any appliances, tools or instruments that do not contain electronic components. To compete with other companies or just remain a step ahead of them, the designers of technical systems and innovative products must be fully aware of both the applications and the limitations of electronic components & systems used in them.
The program aims at deepening the knowledge and skills of the students on the basic concepts and theories that will equip them in their professional work involving analysis, systems implementation, operation, production and maintenance of the various applications in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering. It enables students to pursue a career in the field of measurement and control of complex industrial and electrical processes. Our Electronics and Communication Engineering subjects available in this program train the student to plan, design, install, operate, control and maintain complex systems.
Masters in Electronics and Communication Engineering with Specialization in Microelectronics and VLSI enables students to gain expertise in areas that include back-end and front-end microelectronics such as Processors and SoC design, Chip Design, VLSI CAD Tool Development, VLSI Device & Modelling, Microelectronics Technology & IC Fabrication, Embedded Systems, Machine Learning and Deep Learning for VLSI.
The DRDO collaborated and AICTE approved M.Tech. Course in Defence Technology (Communication Systems & Sensors) would infuse interest in students and motivate them to pursue their careers in research and development for defense and security to join the defense, PSUs and private defense industries. The M.Tech. in Defence Technology courses have been designed to produce postgraduates who will have the necessary theoretical & experimental knowledge, skill and aptitude in various defense technologies areas and pursue them to carry out R&D in defense, opening various career opportunities for Electronics and Communication engineers.
The students are encouraged to actively carry out their projects across various areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering and to develop their technical and research skills by attending various workshops, conferences, competitions, etc.
Programs Offered
Undergraduate : (Duration: 4 Years)
- B.Tech (ECE) - Electronics & Communication Engineering
- B.Tech (ECE) with Specialization in Electronics Manufacturing Technology
- B.Tech(ECE) with Specialization in Data Science
Postgraduate : (Duration: 2 Years)
- M.Tech (ECE) with specialization in MIcroelectronics and VLSI
- M.Tech. Defence Technology (Communication Systems & Sensors)