B.Tech Automobile Engineering


Admissions 2024

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About the Program

B. Tech Automobile Engineering (Electric Mobility in Collaboration with GARC)
B. Tech Automobile Engineering with specialization in Electric Mobility offers a unique opportunity for students and aims to address the growing need for skilled professionals in EV Technology. This program is offered in collaboration with the Global Automotive Research Centre (GARC) and allied industry partners, ensuring a comprehensive curriculum aligned with the latest industry standards and technological advancements in Electric Mobility.

About HITS

HINDUSTAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE (HITS) a Deemed to be University, is a leading prestigious and recognized institution in India. Established in 1985, it offers a wide spectrum of Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Diploma, Research and Doctoral Programmes in diverse fields of Engineering, Technology, Architecture, Management, Law, Fashion Design and Arts, Aviation, Applied Sciences, Allied Sciences and Liberal Arts. The technical courses at UG and PG levels are approved by AICTE. NBA has certified Ten undergraduate programmes under Tier 1 category and IET, UK has accredited 9 programs. HITS is part of the most illustrious Hindustan Group of Institutions which caters to the academic needs of over 15,000 students. The Hindustan Group is a pioneer in aeronautical and aerospace engineering education in the country. The first aircraft maintenance education in the country (by a non-governmental training institute) was rendered in 1966, wherein candidates from India and abroad were trained in aircraft maintenance.

About GARC

GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCH CENTRE (GARC) is a state-of-the-art test Centre established by Ministry of Heavy Industries and PE, Govt. of India (under NATRIP), located at Oragadam near Chennai, Tamil Nadu. GARC has been authorized as a test agency under CMVR 126 by the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. Of India. GARC has full-fledged R&D and Homologation Test Facilities including Test Tracks to certify all category of vehicles, systems and components as per national and international standards. As part of Government of India’s FAME-India Scheme, GARC established test facilities for development and certification testing of electric and hybrid electric vehicles.



About the Department

The Department of Automobile Engineering established in the year 1997, caters to train the students in “Design, Develop and Diagnose (3D's) towards future mobility”. The department houses a Center of Excellence for Automotive Electronics (CAE) in collaboration with VOLKSWAGEN and BOSCH. CAE focuses on research in Automotive Safety Systems using ADAS and Crash Simulation in bridging the gap between Industry and Institute. The department established Electric One- HITS Skill Next Center for imparting E2W Technology. The department established HITS-Royal Enfield Experiential training hub in Collaboration with Royal Enfield and providing 3 levels of training to HITS and other College students.

The department has state of the art laboratory facilities to provide hands on training to the students in the emerging field of specialization. Automobile Engineering students get exposure to all fields of Engineering. Automobile is a branch where all sorts of Engineering and Technologies are involved e.g. Automobile, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Industrial design. The department has their student chapter under SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers). B. Tech. Automobile Engineering program additionally offers Honors courses in Motorsport, Autotronics and Electric Vehicles and E-Mobility. Students are mentored to participate in various Motorsport and Professional Body Activities such as SAE (Baja, Supra), ISIE (Solar Vehicle Championship), GKDC & NKRC (Go-kart Design Challenge), E-bike Championships, Tractor Design Competition and received awards and laurels.

Collaboration with various Foreign Universities enables exchange of students and faculty towards eco-friendly mobility. The Department has turned itself to be one of the leading hubs of Automobile Learning Center in the country for its fantastic amalgam of experienced faculty and professionals from the Industry. Students are motivated to participate in International Conferences, Seminars, Internships and Projects through various funding schemes. Students are facilitated to undergo Semester Exchange Program with Foreign Universities.

Programs Offered

  • B.Tech. - Automobile Engineering
  • B.Tech. - Automobile Engineering (Electric Mobility in Collaboration with GARC)
  • M.Tech. - Automobile Engineering (Automotive Technology)
  • M.Tech. - Automobile Engineering (Smart Mobility in Collaboration with GARC)
  • Ph.D. - Automobile Engineering



To enable the graduates to be successful in their career as an Automobile Engineer.


  • To inculcate knowledge in Automobile Engineering.
  • To impart skills and training on the advancements in Automobile Engineering such as Automotive Electronics, Autonomous Vehicles, etc.
  • To in still the highest ethical standards to be a Professional Automobile Engineer for social development.



S.NONamePhotoQualification with SpecializationDesignationDate of JoiningNature of Association
1Dr. M. Jaikumar
B.E. (Mechanical)
M.E. (I C Eng)
Ph.D. (Mechanical) 
Professor & Head31-Jul-14REGULARmjaikumar@hindustanuniv.ac.in
2Dr. R. Christu Paul
B.E. (Automobile)
M.Tech. (Industrial)
Ph.D. (Mechanical)
3Dr. R. Sathish Kumar
B.E. (Mechanical)
M.E.  (CAD)
Ph.D. (Mechanical)
Associate Professor22-Jul-17REGULARrsathishk@hindustanuniv.ac.in
4Dr. B. Prabakaran
B.E. (Mechanical)
M.E. (Automobile)
Ph.D. (Mechanical)
Associate Professor19-Jun-08REGULARprabakkaran@hindustanuniv.ac.in
5Dr. V. Ramanathan
B.E. (Automobile)
M.E. (CAD)
Ph.D. (Automobile)
Associate Professor01-Oct- 22REGULARvramanathan@hindustanuniv.ac.in
6Dr. V. Nadana Kumar
B.E. (Mechanical)
M.E. (Thermal)
Ph.D. (Mechanical)
Assistant Professor(Sl. Grade)3-Jul-17REGULARvnadanak@hindustanuniv.ac.in
7Dr. E. Sangeethkumar
B.Tech. (Mechanical)
M.E. (CAD)
Ph.D. (Automobile)
Assistant Professor(Sl. Grade)28-Jun-11REGULAResangeethk@hindustanuniv.ac.in
8Dr. T. Shanmuganathan
B.E. (ECE)
Ph.D. (ECE)
Assistant Professor (Sl. Grade)01-Oct- 22REGULARtshanmugan@hindustanuniv.ac.in
9Dr. N. Sasikumar
B.E. (Mechanical)
M.E. (Automobile)
Ph.D. (Mechanical)
Assistant Professor(Sl. Grade)2-Aug-17REGULARnskumar@hindustanuniv.ac.in
10Dr. J. Pradeep Baskar
B.E. (Mechanical)
M.Tech. (Automotive)
Ph.D. (Mechanical)
PDF (Mechanical)
Assistant Professor(Sl. Grade)01-July-21REGULARjpradeep@hindustanuniv.ac.in
11Dr. S. Sathish Kumar
B.E (Mech)
M.Tech (CAD/CAM)
Ph.D. (Mechanical)
Assistant Professor(Sl. Grade)01-July-22REGULARsathishk@hindustanuniv.ac.in
12Dr. R. Selvakumar
B.E. (Mechatronics)
M.E. (Automobile)
Ph.D. (Mechanical)
Assistant Professor(Sl. Grade)01-Oct- 22
13Dr. S. Arulanantha Samy
B.E. (Aeronautical)
M.E. (Mechatronics)
Ph.D. (Mechanical)
Assistant Professor20-Jun-14REGULARpt.ansamy@hindustanuniv.ac.in
14Mr. C. Parthasarathy
B.E. (Automobile)
M.E. (CAD)
Assistant Professor(Sl. Grade)01-July-21REGULARcpsarathy@hindustanuniv.ac.in
15Mr. S. Nandakumar

B.Tech. (EEE)
M.S. (Ren. Energy)
Assistant Professor1-Feb-18REGULARsnandak@hindustanuniv.ac.in



  • PEO-I : Employability/ Industry Ready: To provide in-depth knowledge in Automobile Engineering and awareness of latest development in allied fields of engineering to the students and make them industry ready engineers (T – shaped engineers).
  • PEO-II : Research: To provide a range of specialized modules integrated within the structured learning environment for encouraging the students for higher studies and do research in automobile and related fields.
  • PEO-III : Entrepreneurship: To develop a challenging environment that supports and encourages the students to become an entrepreneur.
  • PEO-IV : Individual and Team work: To develop a culture that promotes individual and team work for carrying out innovative projects, assignments and research work in engineering sciences.
  • PEO-V : Worldwide Recognition: A competitive degree structure is provided, that responds to time, need and technology.


Engineering Graduates will be able to:

  • PO 1 : Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. 
  • PO 2 : Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO 3 : Design Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO 4 : Conduct Investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO 5 : Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO 6 : The Engineer & Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO 7 : Environment & Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO 8 : Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • PO 9 : Individual & Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO 10 : Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO 11 : Project Management & Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO 12 : Life-Long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


Graduates of B. Tech Automobile Engineering students will be able to

  • PSO 1 :  Design, analyze, fabricate and test advanced automotive systems that enable students to compete globally in future sustainable mobility, focusing on enhanced comfort, safety, and driving experience.
  • PSO 2 :  Capable of driving innovations in vehicle technologies including the development and integration of autonomous systems, connected vehicle technologies and sustainable mobility, to enhance the efficiency, safety and user experience of modern transportation.



Automotive Chassis Components Laboratory

Automotive Chassis Components Lab 3.jpgAutomotive Chassis Components Lab 2.jpgAutomotive Chassis Components Laboratory 1.jpg

Automotive Electric & Electronics Laboratory

Automotive Electric & Electronics Laboratory 1.JPGAutomotive Electrical & Electronics Lab 2.JPG

Automotive Engine Components Laboratory

Automotive Engine Components Laboratory 1.JPGAutomotive Engine Components Laboratory 4 .jpg

Automotive Engine Components Laboratory 2.jpgAutomotive Engine Components Laboratory 3.jpg

Autotronics Laboratory (CAE)

Autotronics 1 .JPGAutotronics 4.JPGAutotronics 2.JPG

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Electric Vehicle Laboratory

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Engine Testing Laboratory

Engine Testing Lab 2.JPGEngine Testing Laboratory 1.JPGEngine Testing Lab 3.JPG

Fuels & Lubricants Laboratory

Fuels & Lubricants Lab 4.jpgFuels & Lubricants Laboratory 2.jpgFuels & Lubricants Laboratory 1.jpgFuels & Lubricants Lab 6.jpgFuels & Lubricants Laboratory 3.jpgFuels & Lubricants Lab 5.jpg

Vehicle Diagnostics Laboratory

Vehicle Diagnostics Laboratory .JPGVehicle Diagnostics Laboratory 2.JPG

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Vehicle Dynamics Laboratory

Vehicle Dynamics Laboratory 1.JPGVehicle Dynamics Laboratory 2 .JPG

Virtual & Simulation Laboratory 

Virtual & Simulation Laboratory 3.JPGVirtual & Simulation Laboratory 2.JPGVirtual & Simulation Lab 5.JPGVirtual & Simulation Lab 4.JPGVirtual & Simulation Lab 6.JPGVirtual & Simulation Laboratory 1.JPG




Automotive Chassis Components Lab


Automotive Chassis Components Lab


Automotive Electrical & Electronics Lab


Automotive Electrical & Electronics Lab


Automotive Engine Components Laboratory


Automotive Engine Components Laboratory


Automotive Engine Components Laboratory


Automotive Engine Components Laboratory






Engine Testing Lab


Engine Testing Lab


Electric Vehicle Lab


Electric Vehicle Lab


Fuels & Lubricants Lab


Fuels & Lubricants Lab


Fuels & Lubricants Lab


Fuels & Lubricants Lab


Vehicle Diagnostics Lab


Vehicle Diagnostics Lab


Vehicle Dynamics Lab


Vehicle Dynamics Lab


Virtual & Simulation Lab


Virtual & Simulation Lab



Honors and Minors

B.Tech. Honors

The Programme B.Tech. (Hons.) is introduced to facilitate the students to choose additionally the specialized courses of their choice and build their competence in a specialized area. The student can choose to specialize in a domain offered by parent department.

Students are eligible for award of B.Tech.(Hons) upon successful completion of 181 credits (165 regular credits + 12 Additional Credits+ 4 Non CGPA credits). Student shall have CGPA of 7.0 at the time enrolment for B.Tech. (Hons)

The features include

  • The number of credits to be earned for Honours specialization is 12 credits.
  • B.Tech. students in regular stream can opt for B.Tech. (Hons.), provided they have a CGPA of 6.5 up to the end of third semester at the time of registration.  
  • The students opting for this program have to take four additional courses of their specialization of a minimum of 3 credits each from 5th to 8th semesters with not more than 2 additional courses in a semester. 
  • The students are permitted to register for only one Honours specialization, during their period of study.
  • The list of such additional courses offered by the various Departments of the respective school will be announced in the beginning of the academic year to facilitate the registration process. 
  • The student can also opt for post graduate level courses 
  • The faculty advisor will suggest the additional courses to be taken by the students based on their choice and level of their academic competence. 
  • The students have to pay the prescribed fee for each additional course

B. Tech. with Minor specialization: 

Students, who are desirous of pursuing their special interest areas other than the chosen discipline of Engineering / Technology/ Arts/ Fashion/ Humanities/ Management/ Basic Sciences, may opt for additional courses in minor specialization groups offered by a department other than their parent department. Such students shall select the stream of courses offered with pre – requisites by the respective departments and earn a Minor Specialization.

Students are eligible for the award of B.Tech. with Minor specialization upon successful completion of 9 additional credits totaling to 178 credits (165 regular credits + 9 Additional Credits + 4 Non CGPA credits) Student shall have CGPA of 6.0 at the time enrolment for B.Tech. (Minors)

  • The number of credits to be earned for Minor specialization is 9 credits through three courses. 
  • The students are permitted to register for their minor specialization courses from the 3rd semester onwards subject to a maximum of two additional courses per semester.
  • The list of such additional courses offered by the various departments and the schedule will be announced in the beginning of the academic year to facilitate the registration process. 
  • The students have to pay the prescribed fee for each additional course.

List of Honors offered by Automobile Engineering Department

  1. Honors in Motorsport Engineering
  2. Honors in Autotronics
  3. Honors in Electric Vehicles and E-Mobility

Courses under Honors: 
1. Honors in Motorsport Engineering

  • Race Car Anatomy
  • Motorsport Vehicle System Design
  • Aerodynamics for Race Cars
  • Racetrack and Data Management

2. Honors in Autotronics

  • Perception System for Autonomous Car
  • Intelligent Transport system and V2V technology
  • Pose Estimation for Autonomous Car
  • State Estimation and Vehicle control for Autonomous Car

3. Honors in Electric Vehicles and E-Mobility

  • Hybrid Vehicles
  • Battery Technology and Management
  • Advanced Propulsion System for Electric Drive Vehicles 
  • Energy Storage Devices and Systems 


News & Events

LAUNCHPAD FOR INDIAN MOTORSPORTS ENGINEERS (L.I.M.E) India’s First Motorsports Engineering workshop 

Motorsports Club of Automobile Engineering is organising a four-day workshop on Launchpad for Indian Motorsports Engineers in association with United Motorsports Academy (UAM) from October 27-30th,2023 at HITS for the Undergraduate Students across South India. The workshop is planned in view of the Forthcoming F4 Racing in Chennai in the Month of December 2023.It is expected around 100 students from South India will be attending the event. Among the 100 students around 15 students will be from HGI (10 students from HITS and 5 students from KCG). Special Discounts in the registration fee were provided to students representing HGI.

Invited Speakers of the workshop were 

  •  Mr Rex Keen
    Race Engineer & Technical Director
    University of Bedfordshire, England
    Former Race Engineer for British Touring Car Championship.
    Author of How to Become a Race Engineer.   
  • Mr Peter Windsor
    F1 Journalist
    Former Team Manager - Ferrari and Williams
    Former Press Officer of the Australian Automobile Racing Club. 
  • Mr Willem Toet
    Professor, University of Bolton, England.
    Ambassador Formula Student SAE UK
    Former Aerodynamics - Benetton, Ferrari, BAR/ Honda and BMW Sauber 

Workshop is planned in such a way to provide a world class experience in the field of Vehicle System, Vehicle Dynamics , Braking , Dampers and Suspension System of a Race Vehicles to passionate Motorsports Engineers.   

Hands on Training were also planned and Exclusive Track Experience is scheduled at MMRT, Chennai on the third day of the workshop.   

Sponsored Technical Training will be provided to the top 24 students attending the workshop by Racing Promotions Private Limited.Among the 24 students attending the training program, 4 students will be hired to work for the IRL / Indian F4 championship for the next season.

LOI Signing Ceremony

LOI Signing Ceremony Between District Rural Development Agency, Government of Tamil Nadu & City of Trier, Germany. In Coordination and Support from Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science & Trier University of Applied Health Sciences - 20.09.2022


Under DAAD German Academic Exchange Service Prof. (Dr.) M Jaikumar, Head, Dr T. Shanmuganathan, Assistant Professor, Mr. S. K. Vignesh, Research Scholar and 4 Under Graduate Students, Department of Automobile Engineering, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai Tamil Nadu, India along with prof. (Dr.) Peter Koenig and Students from Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany visited ADAS Vehicle Testing, Integration Facilities and Automated Driving Systems at ZF ADAS Validation Center, Koblenz on 12th July 2022

During the visit, ZF ADAS Team Mr. Niklas Geiss, Dr. Christian Fuahs and Dr. Constanze Pradarutti was briefed about the ADAS Validation and Homologation with breakthrough Data and AI.

Thanksgiving Dinner

On 2nd March 2022, “Thanksgiving Dinner” was arranged by HITS at ITC Grand Chola, Chennai to laud and revere Prof. Peter Koenig, TUAS for the generous humane support extended during the challenging times of COVID-19. The friendly banquet was graced by the presence of our beloved Pro Chancellor Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese, Vice Chancellor Dr. N. Sridhara, Directors Dr. Aby Sam, &  Dr. Ashok G. Verghese, Dy. Director Mr. Enid Verghese Jacob, Director-International Affairs, Dr. Ilavazhagan, Mrs. Karin Stoll, Consul Gen. German Consulate, Mr. Mallikarjuna, Regional Director, IGCC, Dr. Panagiotis Karamanos, IURC, India, Mr. Thomas Witteck, MD, R-Stahl Pvt. Ltd., India and Dr. Kishore, Incoming President, Rotary Club, Chennai. 

The banquet witnessed a formal address by the delegates and exchange of souvenirs with the guests for their extended humble support during the COVID times and for the continuing academic cooperation.


The Official Launch of EU-funded International Urban and Regional Cooperation (IURC) Asia & Australasia Program in India on 24th February 2022. 

The EU-funded International Urban and Regional Cooperation (IURC) Asia & Australasia program in India was officially launched on 24 February 2022 in a virtual event with the presence of

The event was attended by representatives from the 25 Indian and European IURC cities that are paired to work together, European Union Member States, the National Institute of Urban Affairs, and TERI Institute, amounting to a total of 75+ participants.

  • Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Additional Secretary (International Cooperation), Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India;
  • Dr Ronald Hall, Senior Expert, Directorate General of Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission;
  • Ms. Kamilla Kristensen Rai, Counsellor, Delegation of the European Union to India and Mr. Pablo Gandara, Team Leader of IURC Asia and Australasia.


OKINAWA – HITS Skill Next Center

  • An Electric 2-wheeler technology Center has been established at HITS to develop students’ skills, make them competent and a flagship Engineer in the EV market as Okinawa-HITS Skill next Center.
  • The automobile Industry is facing a shortage of talented, aptly skilled engineers needed for the transition to electric drives. The objective of the Center is to fill that gap and gain an edge with Okinawa HITS skill Center through Industry ready curriculum design.
  • The Electrical Vehicle certification course offered by the Center is a program designed for students or professionals aspiring to work or working in automotive, Auto –component, Design and Manufacturing sector. 

Gunma University, Japan 

International Guest Lecture on Evaluation of Engine Friction of a 2-Stroke-Spark-Ignition Engine for a Racing Boat and Its Effect on the Acceleration Operating Characteristics held on 20/12/2021.Resource Person:Dr Seichi Shiga,Gunma University, Japan

Gyan Disha 2022   

Gyan Disha is conducted every year to showcase the best projects from each and every department. It’s being judged by the alumni and rewarded with attractive cash prizes. And it was held on 23rd April 2022.

HITS - BOSCH Joint Training Center was established on 25th October 2017 for offering Joint Training Certificate courses on Automotive Technology.

43 students were awarded course completion certificate on Vehicle Diagnostics through HITS - BOSCH Joint Training Center on 10 Oct. 2018

A new Center (CAE – Center for Automotive Electronics) was established to conduct Advanced Diploma in Autotronics Course in Collaboration with Volkswagen India Pvt. Ltd.,

Name Title Organization
Represented Region: Chennai, India
Mr. Ashok Verghese Director HITS, Chennai
Dr. M Jaikumar HOD, Auto HITS, Chennai
Dr Ilavazhagan Director (International Affairs) HITS, Chennai
Dr K. Nandakumar Director (Research) HITS, Chennai
Dr. J Pradeep Bhasker Asst.Prof (SG), Auto HITS, Chennai
Dr. K. Kirthiga Asst. Prof. SPADE HITS, Chennai
Represented Region: Trier, Germany
Dr. Peter Koenig Professor TUAS, Germany
Ms. Elisa Limbacher Office of The Mayor Trier, Germany


Student Achievements

Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science-Chennai has organised a second edition of Track Day for the students of HGI on Sunday 10 th April 2022 at MMRT, Irungattukottai, Chennai.




STALWARTZ E RACING TEAM, HITS won Cost Award among 53 teams and a cash prize of Rs.40,000/- in e-Baja SAEINDIA 2020 held at Pithampur, Madhya Pradesh from 22nd to 28th January 2020.


Student Formula Racing Team won Cost Award In FMAE FFS conducted at Kari Motor Speedway, Coimbatore from 28-09-2018 to 03-10-2018


Team Yodha won Overall Championship in FFS 2017 organised by Fraternity of Mechanical and Automotive Engineers (FMAE).


TeamTaiyozen won Overall Champion, Best Endurance, Best Acceleration in Electric Solar Vehicle Championship 2017 at Shri Vishnu Women’s College of Engineering, Bhimavaram from 27th March to 2nd April 2017


Indo-Asian Solar Challenge (IASC) 2016 organised by LPU, Punjab. Secured Best Design, Best Endurance, Runner Up


Team Taiyozen participated in ESVC 2016 organised by the Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers held at RPM Circuit, Bhopal, March 2016. Won National Level Championship


Indo-Asian Solar Challenge (IASC) 2015 organised by Lovely Professional University (LPU), Punjab from 03-07 April 2015

  • Overall Champion
  • Best Acceleration
  • Lowest Vehicle Weight

Team Taiyozen participated in ESVC 2015 held at Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Ambala. Won awards for Best Innovation & Acceleration and secured 2nd place for Design and Weight.


Team Seiger – Go Kart Design Challenge, Kari Motor Speedway, Coimbatore - Overall Runner-up & 1St in Acceleration held on 14 -17 January 2017


Hindustan Motorworks won AWARD FOR BEST SLED PULL in Sieger Pro Karting Championship 2017 at Aditya College of Engineering, Kakinada from 20th to 25th March 2017


Team Viride won Overall 2nd Runner-up in Vishnu E-Moto Championship – 2016 at Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women, Bhimavaram, AP from 22nd – 29th September 2016


Mr. Risivats R., 2nd Year Auto (15104065), won the 2nd Prize out of 154 contestants in the VITC Cyclothon for cycling for 30 kms on 7th March 2017. He received a silver medal and cash award


Harshavardhan & ArunPrabu, III year shortlisted for Volkswagen- Rally Cup, held at Pune, March 2016.


Palla Lokesh (2013-2017) awarded WINNER for the Student of the year Award 2016 – 2017 along with a scholarship amount of Rs.15,000/- for his outstanding achievement as an Engineering student in the mobility field.


Final Year Auto students PallaLokesh, AjeeshVarghese, Arijeet Kumar & Ashok Kumar received an Educational Excellence Awards in INDO-AMERICAN EDUCATION SUMMIT 2016


Mr.PulkitGoel (2011-2015) received Best Student of the year 2015 from the President of SAE International.


Mr. P.R. Raghavendran, attended SIAT at Pune and won Second position in Automotive NVH category and received Rs.10,000/- cash prize, selected for training at ARAI.


Mr. Salih Arshad A., won Best Paper Award in the 3rd National Conference in FACETIME


Student Formula Racing Team won Cost and design Award InSAE SUPRA 2019 conducted at Buddh International Circuit, New Delhi



International Collaboration



We are proud to announce that as an academic partner HITS hosted the Letter of Intent (LOI) signing ceremony between District Rural Development Agency, Govt. of Tamil Nadu and City of Trier, Germany in association with International Urban & Regional Cooperation and Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany. This collaboration is aimed to exchange best practices in sustainable development. The Letter of Intent was signed by Prof. Dr. Peter Koenig, Project Lead-DAAD & IURC Projects, Dr. Karl Hofmann Van-Kap-Herr, Co-Lead DAAD Project, Dr. Panagiotis Karamanos, Urban Development Expert IURC, Tmt. R.V. Shajeevana I.A.S, Sub-Collector, Chengalpattu District,  Dr. Ashok G. Verghese, Director, HITS and Mrs. Elise Limbacher, Coordinator International Relations and Sustainability, Trier. Universität Trier DAAD CMO Tamil Nadu.

DAAD German Academic Exchange Service

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Under DAAD German Academic Exchange Service Prof. (Dr.)  M Jaikumar, Head, Dr T. Shanmuganathan, Assistant Professor, Mr.  S. K.  Vignesh, Research Scholar and 4 Undergraduate Students, Department of Automobile Engineering, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai Tamil Nadu, India along with prof. (Dr.) Peter Koenig and Students from Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany visited ADAS Vehicle Testing, Integration Facilities and Automated Driving Systems at ZF ADAS Validation Center , Koblenz on 12th July 2022

During the visit, ZF ADAS Team Mr. Niklas Geiss, Dr. Christian Fuahs and Dr. Constanze Pradarutti were briefed about the ADAS Validation and Homologation with breakthrough Data and AI.  

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Trier seals EU cooperation with Indian partners in the field of sustainability
The German delegation, consisting of representatives from administration, universities, and the EU, visited a sustainable village project in Chennai with the Indian project partners.

Department of Automobile Engineering proudly shares that the students from Final and Pre-final Year have been selected as Student Research Assistants through DAAD German Academic Exchange 2023 to visit Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany for Project Investigation on Vehicle Safety and Driver Assistance for one week along with Three Professors. Bon voyage!

From the left Dr. Karl Hoffman., Professor, Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Dr. M. Jaikumar., Professor & Head (Auto)HITS, Mr. Ashok Verghese, Pro Chancellor, HITS, Mrs. MichaelaKuchler, CousulGeneral, Germany, SubLt.Dr.T. Shanmuganathan. Assistant Professor (S.G.), HITS, Mrs. ElisaLimbacher. Coordinator, International Relations & Sustainability city of Trier, Mayor office, Mr. Lukas Schmitt., Regional Managing Director, Rhineland-Palatinate of the Maltese Order, Germany, As part of the DADD Project Investigation and Excursion & IURC Project status meeting at ITC Grand Chola, Chennai.


A 2-kW Biogas Plant set up at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science in the Student Hostel site as a part of International Urban and Regional Cooperation (IURC) project initiative was inaugurated on 14th September 2023 by Mr. Pablo Gandara, Team Leader, IURC (Asia & Australasia) in the presence of  Dr. Ashok G. Verghese, Pro Chancellor, HITS, Dr. Aby Sam, Executive Director, HITS, Mr. Enid Verghese, Deputy Director, HITS, Prof.Dr. Peter Koenig, Professor, TUAS, Germany, Dr. Panagiotis Karamanos, Country Coordinator, IURC, Dr. S.N. Sridhara, Vice Chancellor, HITS, Dr. Sheeba Chander, Dean (SPADE), HITS and Dr. M.Jaikumar, Professor (Auto), HITS.

The major highlight of the project is that refined biogas emanating from the plant will be compressed for use as clean fuel in automobiles.  This offers significant benefits in carbon sequestration and reduced greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to greening of the automotive industry.

Thanks to IURC Asia and Australasia Division which was instrumental in supporting the Project Team of IURC from Chennai through its city-to-city cooperation (HITS) and providing the Competitive Fund that helped establish Biogas Pilot Plant at Hindustan Campus.

Thanks to Mr. Pablo Gandara and Dr. Panagiotis Karamanos.



Royal Enfield National Traning Center

  • HITS-Automobile Engineering in collaboration with Royal Enfield to set up a state-of-the-art HITS-Royal Enfield National Training Center at Bay Range campus.
  • This is the first of its kind Automobile Training Center in India to bridge the skill gap experienced in the Automotive Sector at a National Level.
  • The Center offers Skill Development Programs, familiarising Engineering Graduates & SSLC/HSC/Vocational/ITI students pursuing Vocational Training with the latest Automotive Technologies and imparting modern training.
  • The Center is to impart high end industrial training to the students and faculty members in the emerging area of two wheeler technology for better employability and support innovators & potential young entrepreneurs.



HITS – ROYAL ENFIELD Experiential Training Hub is a collaborative platform established between Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS) and Royal Enfield for bringing the high -end technology, manufacturing and assembly procedures practiced in Industries, right into the corridors of academic institution in the form of value- added training in basic and advanced modules.

In its constant drive to promote project- based learning through Institute-Industry Collaborations, HITS has a track record of having established as many as 14 Centers of Excellence in various fields of Engineering and Technology for promoting active research, project-based learning and value-added training. The HITS- Royal Enfield Center is the latest addition in serving this purpose for the undergraduate students of Mechanical, Automobile and Electrical disciplines.

ROYAL ENFIELD, a part of the EICHER MOTORS LIMITED is an Indian multinational motorcycle manufacturing company headquartered in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The Royal Enfield brand is one of the oldest global motorcycle brands and the company is involved in the business of manufacturing, marketing and sales of motorcycles and its spare parts. The company operates manufacturing plants in Chennai in India.



The HITS – ROYAL ENFIELD Experiential Training Hub is a set up inside the premises of HITS with an impressive built-up area of 11,000 sq. ft comprising the work floor, air-conditioned class rooms and office space, all matching the best of the industry standards.The established National Training Center of Royal Enfield is a state-of -art facility for training the aficionado of motorbike diagnostics. The training facility includes cutting-edge diagnostic tools, plethora of various models of RE bikes, high-tech multimedia systems, special tools and instrumentation.

The hub also houses books, magazines, journals and posters on automotive technology in general and two-wheeler bike in particular. The work floor is classified and equipped to train the delegates based on the functionality of the Engine Section, Transmission section, Chassis section and Electrical Component section. The trainees are trained in the diagnosticsand troubleshooting of RE bikes by experts from HITS and RE. The hands-on training provided to the delegates empowers them to address the troubleshooting of any variant of RE bikes.


  • The students amidst their academics are given an opportunity to undergo different phases of trainings under the experts from Royal Enfield.
  • The full spectrum of knowledge combined with hands on experience make the students Industry-Ready.


Level 1 Training

This basic level of training is provided for 3 full days. This level is named as Do It Yourself(DIY). Students acquire knowledge on the periodical maintenance procedure of Royal Enfield motor cycles. After this training, students will have the confident to do the basic maintenance and diagnostics of RE Motorcycles.

Level 1 Course Content

  • Work shop basics
  • 5S and its importance
  • Identification of tools and equipment
  • Basics of Automobile Engineering
  • History of Royal Enfield
  • Royal Enfield Models Lineup
  • Vehicle Frame and engine numbering procedure
  • Vehicle walk around inspection
  • Vehicle parts identification
  • Periodical maintenance service Session.
  • Theory + Practical exam

Level 2 Training

This is the intermediate level of training and it extends for 5 full days. This level is named as Expert level. Students receive hands on experience on dismantling, study and assembling of different sub systems in the vehicle. Also, they will get knowledge on diagnostics, repair and servicing of vehicle sub systems and electrical systems.

Level 2 Course Content

  • Usage of feeler gauge, multi meter and other instruments
  • UCE (Unit Construction Engine) and J Platform vehicles - 32 Points check- Periodical maintenance service
  • Front fork R & R
  • Swing arm R & R
  • Steering System R & R
  • UCE Cam Setting
  • RE Electrical course
  • Tripper device explanation
  • Theory + Practical exam

Level 3 Training

This is the higher level of training and it is provided for 10 full days. This level is named as Guru level. Students learn about the Engine and sub systems of various models of Royal Enfield Motorcycles. At this level, they carry out analysing and assembling of various RE engines. They learn the overhauling procedure of engine and sub systems. They learn the diagnostics and problem resolution in RE vehicles.

Level 3 Course Content

  • Reasons for engine overhauling
  • Use of measuring instruments – Vernier calliper, Micrometre, Dial gauge and Torque wrench.
  • UCE Engine overhauling
  • J platform engine overhauling
  • D platform engine overhauling
  • 650CC engine overhauling
  • Electrical diagnostics with Royal Enfield diagnostic tool
  • Theory + Practical exam

Course fee details

Sl.No.Course DescriptionCourse DurationFee for HITS students
1.Level 124 Hours (3 days)Rs.5,000
2.Level 240 Hours (5 days)Rs.10,000
3.Level 380 Hours (10 days)Rs.25,000

Course Registration Links

Level 1 Registration form:

Level 2 Registration form:

Level 3 Registration form:


Dr. D. Balaji, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Ph. No: 9940423964


Dr. V. Ramanathan, Associate Professor, Automobile Engineering, Ph. No: 9444470884
Dr. E. Sangeethkumar, Assistant Professor(SG), Automobile Engineering, Ph. No: 9791069068



Research and Development

Faculty Intellectual Property Rights (Patents)

S. No. Title of the Invention Application Number Date of Filing/Publication Investigator
2 A PORTABLE DISHWASHER DEVICE 2021105336 11.08.2021 Dr.E.Sangeeth Kumar


Industrial Collaborations

Royal Enfield donated 500 EFI Model for study purpose 


Intending to go beyond classroom learning, the Industrial Collaborations contribute a lot in holistic student development by letting students learn about the current trends in the market, the future scenario of the industry and the new technologies that are being applied in the industry.



A Sport utility vehicle donated to the Department of Automobile Engineering, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science for student’s study purposes. 



Benz India donated C-Class Model Transmission for study purposes.



BMW X5 8 Speed engine with Transmission donated for study purpose



Career Opportunities

Graduates of Automobile Engineering can seek employment opportunities in automobile firms like 

  • TVS Electronics
  • Auto-Infotronics
  • Delphi TVS
  • ARAI
  • Volkswagen


Prominent Alumni



Palla Lokesh., B.Tech (Automobile) 2013-2017, Research Assistant Engineer, Mahindra & Mahindra - Farm Eqiup. M/cs


Palla Lokesh., B.Tech (Automobile) 2013-2017, Research Assistant Engineer, Mahindra & Mahindra - Farm Eqiup. M/cs


Dr. S. Jaiganesh., 2001 , Principal Scientist Pre-Development , Apollo Tyres R & D , Country (if outside India)


Dr. S. Jaiganesh., 2001 , Principal Scientist Pre-Development , Apollo Tyres R & D , Country (if outside India)


Mr. Pulkit Goel., 2015, Certification Engineer- Power-train/Emissions-Chassis Dyno, TÜV NORD Mobilität GmbH & Co. KG, GERMANY.


Mr. Pulkit Goel., 2015, Certification Engineer- Power-train/Emissions-Chassis Dyno, TÜV NORD Mobilität GmbH & Co. KG, GERMANY.


Nikitha Ashok., 2011, Continuous Improvement and Lean Manufacturing Enthusiast , FONTERRA , NEW ZEALAND.


Nikitha Ashok., 2011, Continuous Improvement and Lean Manufacturing Enthusiast , FONTERRA , NEW ZEALAND.


Devicharan M., 2005, Project Manager - Corporate Excellence, Borouge, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.


Devicharan M., 2005, Project Manager - Corporate Excellence, Borouge, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.


Mr. Surbat Kumar Ojha., 2010, Product Value Establishment & Telematics, Mahindra, India.


Mr. Surbat Kumar Ojha., 2010, Product Value Establishment & Telematics, Mahindra, India.


Rahul Vijayan., 2010, Automated Driving Systems Integration Engineer, General Motors.


Rahul Vijayan., 2010, Automated Driving Systems Integration Engineer, General Motors.


Sajan Mathew., 2012, Senior Manager, Customer Experience, Questrade Financial Group, Canada.


Sajan Mathew., 2012, Senior Manager, Customer Experience, Questrade Financial Group, Canada.


Adreesh Ghoshal., 2011, Content Production Manager, Forbes Advisor.


Adreesh Ghoshal., 2011, Content Production Manager, Forbes Advisor.


Jesse Daniel V., 2011, Vehicle dynamics lead engineer, Mahindra Group.


Jesse Daniel V., 2011, Vehicle dynamics lead engineer, Mahindra Group.


Santhosh Pasupathi., 2013, Manager [Commercial Vehicle Testing & MBD], IZUSU NORTH AMERICA, US.


Santhosh Pasupathi., 2013, Manager [Commercial Vehicle Testing & MBD], IZUSU NORTH AMERICA, US.


Gaurav Gupta., 2007, Automotive Generalist, Tata Motors.


Gaurav Gupta., 2007, Automotive Generalist, Tata Motors.


Yogesh Nagendiran., 2010, Deputy Manager, Renault Nissan Technology & Business Centre India.


Yogesh Nagendiran., 2010, Deputy Manager, Renault Nissan Technology & Business Centre India.


Rupali Kaur., 2010, Lead battery programme China market, Jaguar Land Rover UK.


Rupali Kaur., 2010, Lead battery programme China market, Jaguar Land Rover UK.


Pooja Bethi., 2015, Product Manager, Restaurant Brands International, Canada.


Pooja Bethi., 2015, Product Manager, Restaurant Brands International, Canada.


Hussian Akbari., 2011, Senior Executive - Product Engineering, Daimler Commercials Vehicles MENA FZE, Dubai, UAE.


Hussian Akbari., 2011, Senior Executive - Product Engineering, Daimler Commercials Vehicles MENA FZE, Dubai, UAE.


Sonu Singh., 2015, Specialist – Battery Pack Design, Bosch, India.


Sonu Singh., 2015, Specialist – Battery Pack Design, Bosch, India.


Gaurav Sikha., 2012, Service Engineer, Opencast, Scotland, UK.


Gaurav Sikha., 2012, Service Engineer, Opencast, Scotland, UK.


Mayank Agarwal., 2011, Senior Technical Lead, Mercedes-Benz Research and Development India.


Mayank Agarwal., 2011, Senior Technical Lead, Mercedes-Benz Research and Development India.

Course Details


Core Courses 

  • Automotive Chassis and Drive-line System
  • Two and Three-wheeler EV Technology
  • Automotive System Design
  • Automotive Electrical and Electronics
  • Vehicle Dynamics
  • Design and Simulation of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
  • Control System for Automotive Aapplications
  • Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis
  • Vehicle Diagnostics and Maintenance
  • Advanced Vehicle Technology
  • Research Methodology & IPR

Elective Courses

  • Intelligent Transportation system
  • Charging Technology
  • V2V and V2X Technology
  • Cyber security for Automotive Engineers
  • Power Electronics for EV
  • Coding for EV
  • Modelling and Simulation of EV
  • Computer Architecture and Data Analytics
  • Smart Grid for EV
  • Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
  • Thermal Management System for EVs
Eligibility Criteria


  • An average of 50% in Plus Two/HSC/Intermediate or any equivalent examination with Maths and Physics as compulsory subjects and at least one of Chemistry / Biology / Computer Science / Information Technology / Informatics Practices / Engineering Graphics as major subjects in regular stream from any board.
  • Course Duration:4 years
  • Admission to the B.Tech program will purely be based on performance in HITS Entrance Exam (HITSEEE).
Job Opportunities


Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will be well-prepared to take up key roles in EV industries, including Engineering, R&D and Project Management positions.

Unique Features:


Voltage Contact & IP Ingress Protection


Chassis Dynamometer Test Bench


Battery Destructive Testing


High Speed AC & DC Charges


EMI & EMC Testing




Automotive Electrical and Electronics Laboratory

Automotive Electric & Electronics Laboratory 1.JPG

Automotive Engine Components Laboratory

Automotive Engine Components Laboratory 1.JPG

Centre for Automotive Electronics (Autotronics Laboratory)

HITS-Electric One Skill Next Centre (2 W EV Laboratory)

HITS-ELECTRIC ONE Skill Next EV Two Wheeler Centre.JPG

Virtual and Simulation Laboratory

Virtual & Simulation Laboratory .JPG

Vehicle Diagnostics Laboratory

Vehicle Diagnostics Lab 2.JPG

Vehicle Dynamics Laboratory

Vehicle Dynamics Laboratory 2 .JPG

Internal Combustion Engines Laboratory

Internal Combustion Engine Laboratory .JPG

Automotive Chassis Components Laboratory


Fuels and Lubricants Laboratory


Career Prospects


1. Electric Vehicle Engineer: Engage in the conception, refinement, and evaluation of electric vehicles and their integral components such as batteries, motors, and control systems.
2. Battery Engineer: Devote expertise to crafting and perfecting batteries tailored for electric vehicles, emphasizing factors like energy density, charging efficacy, and longevity.
3. Charging Infrastructure Specialist: Spearhead the design, deployment, and upkeep of electric vehicle charging networks, encompassing rapid-charging stations, home-based solutions, and intelligent charging grids.
4. Electric Vehicle Integration Engineer: Merge electric propulsion technologies into diverse vehicle frameworks, ensuring seamless operation and maximizing performance.
5. Research and Development (R&D) Engineer: Propel innovations in electric vehicle realms through targeted investigations, advancing domains like energy storage, power electronics, and vehicular automation.
6. Consultant: Offer strategic insights to enterprises regarding electric mobility strategies, regulatory landscapes, and technology integration.
7. Entrepreneurship: Pave the way in the electric mobility sector by launching ventures focused on EV manufacturing, charging infrastructure expansion, or development of EV-related software and services.

Key Program Features


  • Extensive curriculum delving into Electric Vehicle Technology, Battery Systems, Power Electronics, Smart Mobility Solutions, charging infrastructure, and pertinent governmental policies and regulations.
  • Practical exposure through collaborations with GARC and associated industry leaders.
  • Experienced faculty with profound experience in Electric and Smart Mobility sectors.
  • Access to cutting-edge laboratories and research centres fostering innovation.
  • Internship opportunities with renowned Electric Mobility firms to gain hands-on experience.
  • Tailored career services and placement assistance facilitating entry into Electric Vehicle industry roles.
  • Project-based learning nurturing skills in Designing and Developing Electric Vehicles.
Awards and Achievements


Staff Achievements-2023-24


Dr.V. Nadanakumar got a Best Paper (High impact) Award on 05.09.2022 Teacher’s Day celebration at HITS campus


Dr.S. Sangeeth Kumar got an Attendance Award 2022-23 on 26.01.2023 Republic Day celebration at HITS campus


Dr.V. Ramanathan got a Best Teacher Award on 05.09.2023 Teacher’s Day celebration at Gleneagles Global Health city, Perumbakkam, Sholinganallur, Chennai


Dr.R. SelvaKumar got a Best Newsletter Award 2022-23 for Automobile Department Newsletter “Vaahanaa - 2023(August Edition) on 15.08.2023 Independence Day celebration at HITS campus


Dr.R. Christu Paul got a Best Teacher Award 2022-23 on 26.01.2023 Republic Day celebration at HITS campus


Dr.M. Jaikumar got a Best Industry Collaboration Award 2022-23 on 15.09.2023 Engineer’s Day celebration at HITS campus


Sub Lt Dr.T. Shanmuganathan got a Best Teacher Award 2022-23 on 15.09.2023 Engineer’s Day celebration at HITS campus


Dr.B. Prabakaran got an International Patent Award 2022-23 on 15.09.2023 Engineer’s Day celebration at HITS campus


Dr.M. Jaikumar & Dr.J. Godwin John got a Patent Felicitations Award 2022-23 on 26.01.2023 Republic Day celebration at HITS campus


Sub Lt Dr.T. Shanmuganathan got a Patent Felicitations Award 2022-23 on 26.01.2023 Republic Day celebration at HITS campus


Sub Lt Dr.N. Shanmuganathan, Assistant Professor, Department of Automobile Engineering has been commissioned as Sub Lieutenant and Associated NCC Officer in the Naval Wing of National Cadets Corps upon completion of 90 Days Pre-Commission Course (12th June- 9th September) at Officer Training Academy, Kamptee, Madhya Pradesh


Since 1905, SAEISS has recognized outstanding achievements in mobility through our awards program. These awards recognize students, educators and professionals for their innovation, leadership, and contributions to mobility and society. Our Staff Mr. C. Parthasarathy, A.P(SG) got a Best Professional Volunteer Award-2023 by SAEISS at THE RAMADA PLAZA, Anna Salai, Guindy on 21st October2023. 



The Department of Automobile Engineering at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science offers specialized undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) engineering programs focusing on Electric Mobility and Smart Mobility in collaboration with the Global Automotive Research Centre (a unit of NAB under the Ministry of Heavy Industries, Government of India). This program addresses the industry-academia gap by preparing skilled professionals to meet current industry challenges. It features an industry-aligned curriculum and emphasizes cutting-edge technology experimentation. The program integrates a mandatory internship, a comprehensive four-semester design project, and a year-long industry-supported final-year project. Advanced courses are also included to ensure proficiency in Electric Mobility and Smart Mobility technologies.

B. Tech Automobile Engineering (Electric Mobility in Collaboration with GARC)

B. Tech Automobile Engineering with specialization in Electric Mobility offers a unique opportunity for students and aims to address the growing need for skilled professionals in EV Technology. This program is offered in collaboration with the Global Automotive Research Centre (GARC) and allied industry partners, ensuring a comprehensive curriculum aligned with the latest industry standards and technological advancements in Electric Mobility.

M. Tech. Automobile Engineering (Smart Mobility in Collaboration with GARC)

The M. Tech Automobile Engineering program with specialization in Smart Mobility offers a unique opportunity for students and aims to address the growing need for skilled professionals in Intelligent Vehicular Technology. This program is offered in collaboration with the Global Automotive Research Centre (GARC) and allied industry partners, ensuring a comprehensive curriculum aligned with the latest industry standards and technological advancements in Smart Mobility.
